
The Academy currently has certified members comprising a diverse membership of psychologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, social workers, counselors, and nurses.

The Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS) credential is a clinical certification based upon experience providing treatment under the direction of a qualified clinical supervisor, specialized training, and a written examination. Specialization in the addictions resides within five categories of treatment activity: alcohol addiction, drug addiction, eating disorders, sex addiction, and disordered gambling.

Created in 1989, the American Academy of Health Care Providers in the Addictive Disorders is an international credentialing body devoted to establishing and upholding the highest standards for the provision of treatment in the addictive disorders.

The Academy was designed by an internationally recognized Board of Trustees to establish a core set of standards of competence for addiction treatment professionals and to unite health care providers from a variety of disciplines under a single standard of care. Membership is comprised of psychologists, medical doctors, nurses, social workers, and counselors from around the world who are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care.

Ohio Opioid Treatment Providers

Under Ohio Administrative Code Rule 5122-40-05-2021, Medical Directors can qualify for certification with the American Academy of Health Care Providers in the Addictive Disorders
  1. Submit Application – Document education, work experience, letters of recommendation, and background check.
  2. Pass Examination – Schedule the online, proctored exam with 150 multiple choice questions when you want to take it.
  3. Renew Certification – Submit 20 CEUs per year in areas of addictive disorders/ethics, sign code of conduct and renewal fee.

The CAS credential will allow you to meet Ohio state requirements for Medical Directors of opioid clinics.

Download and complete the CAS application to begin the process of becoming certified with the American Academy.

Learn more about the Ohio regulations here:  https://bit.ly/OHIO_OPIOID

Earn specializations in one or more areas:

  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Disordered Gambling
  • Eating Disorders and/or
  • Sex Addiction

Kentucky: Board of Nursing Professional Standards for Opioid Treatment 

Learn more about the value of certification from Workcred.org